
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

'It's so hot, but it's worth it.'

Madonna was hot last night, but her audience was roasting.

The sold-out crowd at Madison Square Garden sweated out the performance when the Material Girl demanded the air conditioning be turned down because of her sensitive vocal cords. On one of the hottest days of the year, the venue was a toasty 85 degrees at the start of the concert and a blistering 90 by the end, a Daily News reporter armed with a thermometer found.

'It's suffocating,' said Stephanie Krukovsky, 22, of Toms River, N.J., who was fanning herself in the steamy upper deck. 'I'm just disappointed that the air conditioner is not on. But it's only one night.'

Some fans aware of Madonna's anti-AC demands brought electric hand fans to try to keep cool. 'It's really, really bad,' said Olga Byrne, 64, of Staten Island. 'It's so hot, but it's worth it.'

Read more news at Madonnalicious.


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